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Xaion Iortorie

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Xaion Iortorie Empty Xaion Iortorie

Post  Xaion Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:16 pm

Name: Xaion Iortorie
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Age: 16
Parents: Marisa & Riegui Yokihai

Appearance: Slightly skinny, you can barely see his ribs but they are noticeable, very toned muscules, silver straight eye length hair and red eyes. Is able to hide his demonic appearance.

Torso: A long sleeved leather black zip-up shirt w/ a collar.
Arms: One retractable dagger on his right wrist, bandaged hands.
Legs: Black slick leather pants, White belt with straps.
Feets: Dark brown shinobi sandals w/ tabi.
Piercings: Three silver earrings in both ears and one jet black earring in each ear.

Personality: Xaion is highly outgoing and huge goof or he is completely quiet and serious, He will be talking your ear off or is dead silent. Hates people who think of themselves highly and better than others. Very timid during battles but when he is truly needed his true charater shows, has very bad trust issues with people. Is cool in impossible situations.

Weapons/tools: Retractable dagger, Wire, a single kunai attached to a long chain. Kusangai aka Grass cutter a sword (simalar to Sasuke's).

Fighting Style: A hand-to-hand fighter, uses kicks more than punches and combines his weapons into his melee attacks. Has very good consecutive attacks and is very good at countering, when in long ranged combat he thinks too much, but none the less is decent long ranged fighter


My story started in the village Azeten my home, this is where I lived with my foster parents since I was a child, however in those days, I truly believed that they were my real parents. You see, my parents weren't able to have one of there own, however one day Marisa was on scout duty and she came across a small child at first her intent was to kill me. Her thoughts changed when she raised her blade to stike down on me, I stopped crying as soon as she lifted that blade. I just layed there looking at her, she quickly took me home and asked my father, of course he could not denie her request and that is how I was found. I was given the name Hio Yokihai. My father, Riegui was a blacksmith, as for my mother she was the captain of the village's guard. Days went by like a bore at the village, there was never anything fun to do and I always had to work. Many people did not except me at first because of my appearance. When I was at the age of ten I began the practice of blacksmithing, my father guided me though it. It was hard, it needed much endurance, strength, and a strong will to finish off a project. At the age of twelve I was handed a wooden sword from my mother, that was when I began my training with a blade. When I turned thirteen the village built a school for the children, I was forced to attend this school by my parents. The work was easy it seemed as if everyone else just wasn't trying, I was always friendly with others but was pushed aside by the kids. There I had but one friend who accepted me, her name was Melody. She was a very well liked girl she had many friends and was very beautiful, however her parents would not let me see her after school. Occasionally the kid at the school would harass me I was used to it and stopped caring, but one day however one of the older boys was harrasing me. He continued to push me around and I’d asked him to stop many times, Melody intervened us. This angered the boy making him push her. The push wasn't so bad, but the girl hit a nail sticking out of the building and it torn her arm in two. In a matter of seconds there was blood covering a section of the room. A screech came from Melody that send a chill down my spine. I-I... couldn't control myself I flew into a rage and grabed the boy my the thorat and told him "Fix her! Fix her now! you hurt her, so now you'll fix her! I you Don’t I’ll… I’ll-," but the boy quickly passed out from shock and I released him and called for help. A doctor came and took her to the medical house, the school was shut down and fixed. Many of the previous students did not return and after that none of the kids ever talked to me again even Melody did not glace at me, so I was alone with no one but my parents and buch of free time to hone my skills. Knowing that my only friend would not talk to me, I have to figure out not to let this happen in the future. This is why I begain to learn how to hide my “evil beast” as most called me, giving the advantage to not scare someone that I meant for the first time . After many boring years of work, and training I finally turned sixteen, I was given a Kanata or a grass cutter, it was a bit long and heavy at the time, however this means I'd grow into it. This day I was assigned to guard a Carivan to a near by village, I was my chance to make a name for myself! However before I was able to leave with the trade carivan an alarm was set off, the guards were running around getting to their post. This could only mean one of two things, dangerous animals were outside the village or... we were being attacked. The Bandits sliced through the guards without any problems, blood quickly covered the town, corspes were everywhere. Me and my parents quickly knew this was trouble. We rushed to the house, gathering all the supplies we could carry. Marisa moved in front of the door and signaled that we should leave. Suddenly a blade split the wood in the door and the blade went into her back. Blood went everywhere, Riegui was terrified and broke out into tears, Marsia smiled at me then fell into my arms. I couldn't contain myself I let out a dreadful screech, I was now covered in my mothers blood. I could... feel it dripping down my body it felt as if warm, dense rain drops were over taking me... I could no longer move... so I held her tightly and yelled for help. Thats when Riegui went into action and picked up a blade. He rushed for the door kicking it down he killed at least two of them but a third slashed his back and he fell to the ground... motionless. Both my mother and father were dead.

Then Marisa whispered in my ear "Xaion... when i found you I-I... planned on killing you. It seemed as if you where a demon of some sort, but when you gazed at me you looked pure and innocent. I believed you could... become good, please... please... do not let these men change you... I beg of you. I shall watch you forever and always as if you were my own..." she then slumped down like a ragdoll. Knowing that she was dead, I cried... I screamed... a man was approching me, he had pale skin with bloodshot eyes and a dark colored hair. He was carrying a bucther knife just grinning at me, I yelled once more for help.

I heard a dark voice reply "Very well." I then lost all of my energy, fell to my knees and looked down to ground. I noticed demon of some sort in the puddle of blood then passed out on sight. When I awoke the man was dead as was everyone else... I couldn't stand the sight or the smell so I packed up and set the town ablaze and set off to the nearest Inn. Because I burnt the village down I was assumed dead, I was now alone with no place to go and low supplies. After a month or so of traveling I decided to goto leaf village, but I couldn’t figure out if they would left me live there or not. I decided to become a sword-for-hire or a mercenary for my job if I wasn’t accepted into leaf. I couldn't use my foster parents last name so I took on the last name of "Iortorie"for some reason this name had a ring to it and sounded famailar. One Goal I've set for myself is to find a lover altought I have little faith that I will find someone, it is still a little faith, and find my true parents, also meeting some new friends along the way would never hurt. [End]

Posts : 6
Join date : 2009-03-03
Age : 31

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